International Economic Cooperation Organization in Globalization and Anti-globalization: Roles and Challenges


  • Yihang Yu Author



Economic globalization, Anti-globalization, International economic cooperation organization


In the wave of economic globalization, the economies of all countries are closely linked, forming a complex and diversified international economic system. However, the trend of anti-globalization has grown more and more prominent in recent years due to significant changes in the global economic landscape and the ongoing accumulation of internal contradictions. This phenomenon is now unavoidable in the process of global development. In light of this, it is especially important and urgent to consider how international economic cooperation organizations will develop as important pillars of the global economic governance system, what major obstacles they will face, and how they will grow going forward. These organizations need to flexibly adapt to the ever-changing international economic environment to strengthen global economic cooperation and governance and jointly address the challenges posed by anti-globalization. This paper focuses on three representative international economic cooperation organizations, namely the World Trade Organization, the International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank, and adopts the research method of literature review, aiming to systematically summarize the research results of previous researchers. Through in-depth analysis, this paper seeks to reveal how these organizations have evolved new roles and faced unprecedented challenges in the complex context of globalization and anti-globalization. Lastly, this paper will offer specific policy recommendations for these international economic cooperation organizations based on the research mentioned above in order to help them respond to the current circumstances more effectively and to support the robust growth of the world economy.





