Lululemon, Shannon-Weaver model of communication, social media platforms, UGC, user, brands
With the rapid development of social networks, many brands are using the characteristics of social media platforms for brand promotion to attract target audiences, and brands are gradually entering various social media platforms. This study is based on Shannon-Weaver model of communication and explores the message’s communication lines on social media platforms. At the same time, explore the influence of the convergence and difference of brand content on the social media platform on noise, and how to improve the publicity effect of the brand. The hypothesis proposed in this paper is that in the current social media environment, brand image communication tends to be consistent across different platforms, and the convergence of social media platforms will reduce the significant differences in brand communication. Using analytical vocabulary identification, Semantic Analysis of Pre-Trained Models, Statistical Methods, and Hypothesis Testing, these research methods were explored to find that the resulting hypotheses were valid and analysed that convergence and divergence between social media platforms is a dialectical unity rather than an opposition.