Social media engagement, social media understanding, marriage attidtude, adolescent.
The current study is primarily geared towards analyze the impact of social media on adolescents’ marriage attitudes and to explore the extent to which these factors affect teenagers. The Media and Technology Usage and Attitudes Scale (MTUAS) was used to measure social media engagement. The New Social Media Context Awareness Scale (SMCA) was the measurement of social media understanding. Marriage attitude was assessed using the General Attitudes Toward Marriage Scale (GAMS). A total of 140 adolescents from 14 to 24 years old were measured. Cronbach’s Alpha coefficients demonstrated the acceptable reliability of this study. In conclusion, the correlation between marriage attitudes, social media engagement and social media understanding was significant. Therefore, social media understanding made a negative influence on marriage attitudes. The forecasted outcome carries both theoretical implications and practical relevance, potentially shedding light on the profound impact that social media platforms exert on the perspectives and attitudes of young individuals towards the institution of marriage.