Netflix, Entertainment, Streaming industry, Original content
With the development of the Internet and modern technology, the streaming media industry is gradually appearing in front of the public, and people’s entertainment is no longer limited to traditional live TV, radio, and so on. Now, people can use any mobile phone, or computer and click on any video-based entertainment website to choose movies according to their preferences. Therefore, at this point, entertainment websites have become the hot spot of people’s Internet entertainment, and the famous streaming media entertainment company Netflix is one of them. Netflix, as the world’s leading streaming entertainment service platform, has been committed to providing users with a wide variety of high-quality film and television content since its inception. However, with the intensification of market competition and the constant change in consumer demand, Netflix is also facing the challenge of sustainable development. This article will take a look at Netflix’s continued growth and explore the factors that have contributed to its success and the challenges it faces.