Analysis of Influencing Factors of Online Game Consumption Behavior


  • Antong Zhang Author



Online Game Consumption Behavior, Influencing Factors, Honor of Kings


This paper delves into the conceptual definition of online game consumption behaviour and its influencing factors. This paper first defines online game consumption behaviour through a literature review. It emphasizes its complexity as a particular consumption behaviour based on virtual goods and services with psychological and behavioural interaction. Subsequently, this paper analyzes in detail the multiple factors influencing online game consumption behaviour from four dimensions: player factors, game design factors, technology and platform factors, and external environment factors. To further validate the effectiveness of the theoretical framework, this paper takes “Honor of Kings” as a case study. Specifically, it analyzes how each factor interacts with each other in the actual operation and jointly shapes the player’s consumption behaviour. Through the case study, this paper demonstrates how Honor of Kings accurately grasps players’ psychological needs, uses game design strategies to induce Consumption, and promotes the continuous growth of consumption behaviour through technical and platform support and regulation of external environmental factors. Finally, the paper summarizes the main conclusions, emphasizing the complexity of the multidimensional and multifactorial intertwining of online game consumption behaviour and the interactions of each factor in actual operation.





